"*" indicates required fields Full Name*Membership Type Requested* Public Sector Membership Private Sector Membership Contact InfoCurrent Employer/New Employer*Job Title*Work Address*Work City*Work State*Work Zip Code*Email*Work Phone*Home PhoneCell PhoneTax Policy Criteria"Primary Responsibility" Criteria Primary responsibility will be measured by the following criteria: Specific job duties within the context of your organization Percentage of tax work during the year Relative proportion of time devoted to legislative versus non-legislative tax work Your office/organization's structure and where you fit within that framework Extent to which you have responsibility for the development of tax legislative policy and strategy Primary Responsibility*Do you have primary responsibility for developing and/or advising on tax policy, or representing an organization or client(s) on tax issues to federal legislators, their staffs, and policymakers as outlined in the membership guidelines above? Yes No Amount of time spent dealing with tax issues versus other issues (should total 100%)% Tax*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Other*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Does anyone else in your office/organization handle legislative tax issues or tax lobbying?* Yes No How do their responsibilities differ from yours?*Please list amount of time spent on the following activities (should total 100%)% Meeting with Constituents, Industry Representatives*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Policy Development (Research, Legislative Analysis, Bill Development, Meeting with other Policy Staff)*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Briefing your Member/Agency*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Committee Activities (Hearing, Markups, etc.)*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Constituent Mail*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Other*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.What are your other activities?*Please list amount of time spent on the following activities in the federal tax area (should total 100%)% Lobbying*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Legislative Monitoring*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Writing, Speeches, & Policy Analysis*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Industry Meetings*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Fundraising, Political Activities*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.% Other*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.What are your other activities?*Please list specific tax legislative experience*Be as thorough as possible, listing legislative subject areas worked on, bill numbers, and staff names, wherever applicable.Employing OrganizationPlease describe the organization of your office with titles and brief job description(s), and note to whom you report.*Is your employer an affiliate or subsidiary of another organization/company with a Washington office?* Yes No If so, what organization/company?*Bio or ResumePlease attach your bio or resume covering your educational and professional background.*Accepted file types: pdf, doc, rtf, txt, odf, docx, Max. file size: 300 MB.SponsorsPrivate sector applicants require the sponsorship of two current members — one each from the private and government sectors.* I am seeking Private Sector membership. My sponsors are listed below. I am a former Government Sector member requesting Private Sector membership, and request interim membership privileges pending this job change application (generally requires being in good standing regarding active participation and payment of dues while in government). If granted, sponsors are not required. I understand that this is in the Board’s discretion, and if not eligible I may still apply for Private Sector membership with 2 sponsors. Sponsor Eligibility: Members of the Board of Directors, the Membership Committee, the Senate Task Force, and Members of Congress may not sponsor an application. If in doubt, ask the potential sponsor if she serves in these capacities or contact a Membership Committee co-chair. Please have your sponsors send an email to mueller@capitoltax.com stating the following or its equivalent: "I have reviewed this candidate's Tax Coalition eligibility. I know and am pleased to sponsor her, and to the best of my understanding she meets the membership requirements."Government Sector SponsorName*Email Address*Private Sector SponsorName*Email Address*